The town is in Transdanubia, on the Little Lowland Plane in Hungary. Mosonmagyaróvár got its name by the contraction of the two names Moson and Magyaróvár. From the first century (after Christ) the Roman owned this region and they organized a military camp there. The military roads crossed each other in this region among East and West, North and South, where the trade took place. The military role of the town was discerned by the ancient Roman, therefore they established a settlement, and its name was Ad Flexum.
Found more photos in the gallery The aim was to defend the Limes alongside the Danube. Later the people ran away of the Hunnish attacks. The other part of the town, Moson was established in the era of I. Istvan with the same aim as Magyaróvár by the Roman – to defend the borders. (This role was significant until the crusade.) I. Istvan had a castle built there; it consisted of a land-steward palace, where later King Salamon resided several times. The castle was destroyed by the Check King, Ottokar and the leading role was transferred to Óvár. In 1354 the town got its privileges from the king. From the 16. century began the development of the trade. On the grounds of the trade roads and pier the town could preserve its leading role.
After the Turkish occupation of Gyor the castle of Óvár was strengthened. The town was burnt down several times, and after the Rákóczi’s insurrection the military equipments were transferred to Pozsony (Bratislava). From the end of the 19. century the trade developed further. In Moson were the corn-trade, the agriculture and the mill industry significant, Óvár were characteristic the transit traffic, advanced handicraft and also the mill industry. From the second part of the 19. century the industry developed very quickly.
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